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Step 1
Cube the butter before weighing or measuring, and it will come to room temperature quicker. (I like to cut about 1cm or ⅓" size). If short on time, try this hack I reviewed for softening butter in about 12 minutes.
Step 2
Before making the scone dough, have your air fryer ready. Use your cookie cutter and see how many scones you could place on your air fryer's own rack. My air fryer is quite small, but I managed 4 easily, with some space in-between (see Photo 1 below).
Step 3
I also used the taller rack, as it will allow the air to circulate up and around the scones easier. Just make sure that there is plenty of room above the rack, as these scones will rise high if made properly (over 2"/5cm). And since I used the rack, I needed to add some baking/parchment paper. And to allow as much air to flow, I cut 2 small rectangles of paper, to hold 2 scones on each. (See Photo 1 below). Use your cookie cutter to make sure these pieces of paper are big enough for your scones, but not too much to block the heat of the air fryer. Leave the paper on the rack for once you cut the scones, and also some more paper, to place the rest of the batch on.
Step 4
Add the flour and baking powder to a medium-sized mixing bowl, mix briefly and then add in the softened cubed butter, before mixing again. (See Photo 2 below).
Step 5
'Cut the butter' into the flour using a pastry cutter/pastry blender, two butter knives, or your fingertips, until the butter pieces are smaller and coated in flour, and about large breadcrumb consistency. (For more more details on these methods, see my original British Scones recipe, or watch the video below). Note it does not need to all be the same size pieces or take too long to do. (See Photo 3 below). Toss in the sugar and mix through.
Step 6
Next add the eggs to a small measuring jug, beat well before topping up the eggs with milk, to 300ml/10 fl oz or 1 ¼ cup level. (Since egg sizes vary, you might not need as much milk as stated in the ingredients list). Whisk to combine, before removing 2 tbsps and placing into a small dish to use as an egg-wash. (See Photo 4 below).
Step 7
Add about half of the egg-milk mixture to the dry ingredients, mix together before gradually adding more of the liquid, until a soft but slightly sticky dough is formed. I like to use a large spoon to begin to mix in, and move on to using my hands near the end. (See Photo 5 below). DO NOT USE A FOOD PROCESSOR OR MIXER. Only add enough of the liquid until just a little sticky.
Step 8
Flour some baking/parchment paper to work on (you can re-use it, or use a clean worktop/counter or pastry board). Add a little flour to a small bowl that you will be able to dip your cookie cutter in.
Step 9
Bring the dough together by hand (with floured hands), form into a ball and then flatten into a disc on your floured work area. Use your hands only NOT A ROLLING PIN, to flatten the dough more, to a thickness of at least 1"/2½cm high. This is very important, as too shallow and you run the rise of the scones not rising enough. See Photo 6 below).
Step 10
Use your flour dusted cookie cutter (make sure not to use too big a cutter), to cut out the scones. DO NOT TWIST THE COOKIE CUTTER! This is very important for a good rise to scones. If the scone does not lift off once cut, don't worry. Just leave to end. Otherwise, let the scone fall onto your prepared baking/parchment paper strips, and proceed to cut the next scone. Once you have cut as many as you can get (normally about 4), any scones that have not lifted, simply pull the excess dough away, and then use a palette knife to very carefully lift up the scone and transfer to the paper, without touching the sides. See Photo 7 below).
Step 11
Gently bring the scraps of excess scone dough together as best you can, flatten as before and cut out more scones. Note that with scones, these last few scones, won’t be as perfect as the first ones, just because of more handling, but will still taste great. And remember to not make to shallow.
Step 12
Lastly, brush the egg/milk mixture you reserved, and very gently and carefully, brush onto the tops of the scones. Start from the centre and go slowly, and try not to let any liquid drip down this sides, as this can impair the rise. Shaking/taping the brush first is a good idea. Watch my video below for more on this. (See Photo 7 below)
Step 13
Bake your first lot of scones in the air fryer, (I did 4), at a temperature of 200°c/400°f for about 8-12 minutes until well risen and golden in colour. (See Photo 8 below). You can check the scones part-way through if your air fryer beeps for you to do so. Once completely baked on top and sides, gently turn over and check the bottoms. Mine were baked but very white on the bottom, after 8 minutes, (see Photo 7 above). So I used some of the left-over egg-wash and continued baking for a further 2 to 4 minutes till coloured. Note some air fryers do not need you to turn over the bakes. (See Photo 8 below).
Step 14
Place the baked scones on a cooling rack, while you carefully transfer the next batch of prepared scones on to the paper on top of the air fryer rack, and baking as before. After doing the first batch, you will have a better idea how long your own air fryer takes to bake the scones, so adjust accordingly.
Step 15
By the time all your scones have been made, the first batch will be cooled enough to enjoy. Half the scone and add fillings such as jam, cream (clotted cream if you like it or can source it), blueberry orange curd, lemon curd, fig curd, butter etc. Although often sandwiched together, a scone with a good rise, will be very hard to eat that tall, so leave halved, and you can have a mixture of your favourite toppings.
Step 16
Store left-overs in an air-tight container, (I use a cake tin) and will last 3 - 4 days if kept cool.
Step 17
Scones can easily be frozen and enjoyed later. Wrap completely cooled scones in baking/parchment paper, some foil or cling film/plastic wrap on top and finally a labelled food bag. (These extra layers, that can be re-used, ensure no freezer burn or freezer taste). Frozen scones can last for 3 months, and should be defrosted at room temperature. If you want to enjoy them warm, simply cut in half and place on a plate in the microwave for only 20 seconds, on the air fryer whole for 1-2 minutes (be careful not to dry it out), or in a conventional oven if you have on already, for a few minutes till warm to touch.