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best caramel popcorn (chewy or crunchy)


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Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Total: 50 minutes

Servings: 8


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Step 1

Add oil and 3-4 popcorn kernels to a large, heavy-bottom pot.

Step 2

Heat the oil until at least 1 of the kernels pop. (oil should be hot but not smoking or sputtering)

Step 3

Remove from heat, and remove popped kernel.

Step 4

Spread the remaining kernels in an even layer in the bottom of the pot.

Step 5

Return pot to heat and cover.

Step 6

Once kernels start to pop, carefully, and slightly vent the lid to allow steam to escape.

Step 7

Shake the pot back and forth to encourage more popping.

Step 8

Once the popping has slowed down to about 3-4 seconds between pops, remove from heat and uncover.

Step 9

Place popcorn in a very large bowl, large pot or roasting pan (You'll need lots of space to coat the popcorn in caramel) Keep the popcorn warm if you can.

Step 10

In a large pot, over medium-low heat melt butter.

Step 11

Stir in brown sugar, corn syrup, and salt.

Step 12

Bring to a light boil and let boil for 2-4 minutes (may need longer), without stirring, until caramel has thickened. (4 minutes usually does it for me.)

Step 13

Remove from heat and stir in vanilla extract and baking soda. (Mixture will foam up a little) *Whoops I forgot to put this clip in the video

Step 14

Immediately drizzle the hot caramel over the popcorn.

Step 15

Using a rubber spatula, toss the popcorn to coat it evenly in the caramel.

Step 16

Once coated, spread the popcorn on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Step 17

If you prefer chewy caramel corn, let it sit until the caramel has hardened.

Step 18

If you prefer crunchy caramel corn, Preheat oven to 250 F. and bake for 30-40 minutes, tossing occasionally.

Step 19

Remove from oven and allow to cool completely.

Step 20

Once cooled, break the larger clumps into smaller pieces if desired.

Step 21

Store in an airtight container.