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braised chicken thighs with mushrooms and almond puree
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 40 minutes

Total: 70 minutes

Servings: 4


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Step 1

Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a large and wide skillet until sizzling hot.

Step 2

Season chicken with salt and pepper on both sides.

Step 3

Cook chicken thighs, starting skin side down, 5-7 minutes on each side. When chicken thighs placed on a hot skillet, at first they will stick, but in time as they cook, they will unstick by themselves.

Step 4

Transfer the cooked chicken thighs onto a large plate, cover with aluminum folio, and set aside.

Step 5

Discard fat (and all the juices) in the pan (no need to wash it). Lower the heat.

Step 6

Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil. Add in the chopped onions, and cook stirring frequently, for 8-10 minutes or until they are softened. Add in the garlic and cook for another minute or so.

Step 7

Add mushrooms and cook stirring occasionally, for 5-7 minutes, or until they are soft and aromatic.

Step 8

Pour in the wine, give it a large stir, and cook until the wine is reduced by half, 9-10 minutes.

Step 9

Return the chicken thighs to the pan, pour in enough stock to almost cover the chicken (I used only 4 cups), add the thyme bundle, and bay leaves.

Step 10

Allow it come to a boil, and then let it simmer with a lid on for 30-40 minutes. If the liquid level gets low, feel free to add more stock.

Step 11

In the mean time, puree the toasted almonds in a food processor. Once they are ground, while the machine is running add in a pinch of salt and a little bit of (1/2 tablespoon or so) olive oil. At this point it should be more like a paste.

Step 12

When the chicken thighs have fully cooked, transfer them to a large plate and cover with aluminum folio to keep them warm. Set aside.

Step 13

Fish out and discard the thyme bundle and bay leaves.

Step 14

Stir the almond puree into the sauce. Taste for seasoning and add if necessary.

Step 15

Bring the sauce to a boil and let it simmer until it is reduced and thickened to your liking.

Step 16

Return the chicken thighs back into the pan, garnish with chopped parsley, and keep warm until ready to serve.

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