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gamja jorim (korean braised potatoes)


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Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 60 minutes

Total: 65 minutes

Servings: 8


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Step 1

Rinse the potatoes thoroughly – use a scrubber to remove any dirt if needed. (I used pre-washed potatoes and it was very easy to clean them.) Trim off any bruised spots if needed. Cut the potatoes in half if your potatoes are bigger than a small egg.

Step 2

Preheat a large (shallow) braising pot over medium high heat. Add some oil (1 Tbsp) and spread it well. Add the potatoes and drizzle more oil (1 Tbsp) over them. Pan fry the potatoes over medium heat for about 25 mins. Turn them around often to avoid burning. Alternatively, you could roast the potatoes in the oven at 200 C / 392 F for 30 mins. I actually prefer oven roasting as it’s less hands on.

Step 3

Once the outer layer of potato is nicely cooked and browned, add the water and the braising sauce. Bring it to boil over medium high heat (about 2 mins). Reduce the heat to medium and simmer the potatoes until the most sauce is boiled away (about 15 mins), leaving about 5-6 Tbsp worth sauce in the pot.Reduce the heat to low. Add the honey, sesame oil and sesame seeds. Gently toss to coat while you continue to simmer until the sauce thickens (another 15 mins). Potatoes should be all cooked by now.Continue to simmer to achieve darker colored potatoes (because it looks more appealing) and to make the sauce stickier. You may turn the heat up to medium to quicken this process. Stir often. Remove from the heat.

Step 4

Serve with a bowl of steamed rice. The potatoes taste better once cooled down for about 30 mins in the fridge.