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homemade cola
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Start by choosing your favorite fruit-infused balsamic vinegar. Fig, strawberry, and raspberry are excellent choices for adding a unique twist to your cola-like drink. In a glass, add 1 teaspoon of the fruit-infused balsamic vinegar. Add 1/2 teaspoon of pure maple syrup to the glass. You can adjust the amount of maple syrup based on your desired level of sweetness. If you prefer a less sweet drink, you can use less maple syrup or omit it entirely. Pour in 1/2 cup of lime-flavored soda water. The lime flavor adds a refreshing citrusy element to your drink, complementing the fruit-infused balsamic vinegar. Stir the ingredients gently to combine. Be careful not to stir too vigorously, as the soda water can become fizzy. Add ice cubes to the glass if you'd like your drink to be chilled. Taste the mixture and adjust the sweetness or acidity by adding more maple syrup or balsamic vinegar if needed.