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honey sesame seed candy


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Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total: 45 minutes

Servings: 64


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Step 1

Spray a cookie sheet or dish with non-stick spray.

Step 2

In a non-stick pan, toast your sesame seeds over medium heat

Step 3

In a pot, add the honey, brown sugar, and spices. Cook on medium stirring constantly. Allow this mixture to rolling boil and time it for 2 minutes.

Step 4

When the two minutes are over, remove the skillet from the heat and add the sesame seeds. Mix well.

Step 5

Quickly pour the mixture quickly onto the prepared pan. With a metal spoon or spatula that has been dipped into cold water, press the candy into the pan so that there is an even, smooth layer.

Step 6

Let the candy cool for 15 minutes, or until itis only lukewarm to the touch. Carefully turn it onto the cookie sheet and cut it with a knife or small cookie cutters before it hardens too much.

Step 7

Lay pieces of the sesame candy on a large piece of wax paper. Cut around each candy allowing room for folding. Fold the wax paper over each piece of candy and twist the edges to close it. This should make roughly 64 pieces of candy.

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