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how to make chapati?


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Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Servings: 10


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Step 1

In a large mixing bowl, add the whole wheat flour and salt, if using.

Step 2

Gradually add water while kneading until you have a soft, non-sticky dough. The dough should be softer than bread dough but firmer than pizza dough.

Step 3

Knead the dough for about 10 minutes, or until it's smooth and pliable.

Step 4

Cover the dough with a damp cloth and let it rest for at least 20-30 minutes. This allows the gluten strands to relax, which will make the dough easier to roll out and result in softer chapatis.

Step 5

After the resting period, divide the dough into equal-sized balls, about the size of a golf ball.

Step 6

Lightly dust your rolling surface and rolling pin with flour.

Step 7

Take one dough ball and flatten it with your palm. Then, using the rolling pin, roll it out into a thin, flat circle. Try to roll evenly to ensure uniform cooking.

Step 8

Preheat a tawa or flat skillet over medium-high heat.

Step 9

Place the rolled out chapati on the preheated tawa. Cook until you see small bubbles appearing on the surface.

Step 10

Flip the chapati using a spatula. Allow the other side to cook for a few seconds.

Step 11

Now, if your stovetop allows, you can use tongs to directly expose the chapati to the flame – it should puff up. Be careful while doing this to avoid burning the chapati. If you don’t have a gas stove, you can press the chapati gently using a spatula to make it puff up.

Step 12

Optionally, brush the chapati with a little ghee or oil for a richer flavor and softer texture.

Step 13

Store the cooked chapatis in a container lined with a cloth napkin, which will help keep them warm and prevent them from drying out.

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