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how to make moonshine


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 240 minutes

Total: 270 minutes


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Step 1

Weigh and measure out all your ingredients. Place your mash pot on your heat source and turn it on. Pour in 5 gallons of water and boil it to 165 °F. Once it reaches 165 °F, turn off your heat source. Immediately stir in your measured amount of flaked corn maize. Stir the mixture continuously for 7 minutes. Once cooled to 152 °F, stir in your measured amount of crushed malted barley. Once cooled to the proper temperature, add yeast. Aerate the mixture by transferring it back and forth between separate containers for 5 minutes. Pour the mixture into your fermentation bucket.

Step 2

Store it to ferment for 1 to 2 weeks at room temperature. Use a hydrometer to check the specific gravity at the start of the fermentation and when fermentation is done to ensure that your mixture has used up all the sugar.

Step 3

After the fermentation period is done, siphon the mash water out of the mixture. Ensure that you leave all the solid material and sediment behind by straining everything through a cheesecloth. Place the strained mash water into a container.

Step 4

Heat to 170F for 10 minutes

Step 5

Cool to room temperature (70-75 F)

Step 6

Transfer to fermenter

Step 7

Add 1 package of distillers yeast

Step 8

Aerate by shaking for 2 minutes

Step 9

Ferment at room temperature for 10-14 days

Step 10

Transfer to still

Step 11

Heat to 175 or above

Step 12

Discard the first 50 - 100ml of liquid, as this could contain methanol

Step 13

Collect heads in a glass container

Step 14

Collect hearts in a separate glass container

Step 15

Collect tails in a separate glass container

Step 16

Combine heads and tails for next batch

Step 17

Proof hearts to the desired amount by adding water