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japanese gyoza wrappers from scratch (餃子の皮の作り方)
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 1 hours

Total: 1 hours

Servings: 32


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Step 1

First, measure out 100g weak flour and 100g strong flour and use a sieve to sift them into a large bowl.

Step 2

Add a pinch of salt and mix it in with the flour.

Step 3

Add 100ml of hot boiled water to the flour and mix with a spoon until you have a sticky dough.

Step 4

Transfer the dough to a clean surface. Add a little flour to the surface if your dough is a bit sticky, but be sparing. Too much flour =  dry dough.

Step 5

Knead for 10 minutes until you have a smooth ball of dough.

Step 6

Wrap it up in plastic kitchen wrap and leave to rest for 30 minutes at room temperature.

Step 7

Once rested, cut the dough in half and roll each piece into even cylinders.

Step 8

Wrap one of them back up and set aside for later. (This is to stop it from drying out)

Step 9

Cut the cylinder you kept out in half, then half again, then half again until you have 16 pieces.

Step 10

Roll each piece into a ball.

Step 11

Now dust your surface with flour and push one ball of dough flat down using the lower part of the palm of your hand.

Step 12

With a flour dusted rolling pin, roll it up and down. Then turn the wrapper 90 degrees and roll again. Make it as thin as you can without breaking it.

Step 13

Pick up the wrapper and use your fingers to pinch around the edges, making the edges even thinner and neatening the circle shape.

Step 14

Generously sprinkle flour on the top and bottom of the wrapper.

Step 15

Repeat steps 11 to 14 for the other 15 balls of dough.

Step 16

Repeat steps 9 to 15 for the other cylinder, you will end up 32 wrappers in total.

Step 17

We recommend using them straight away, but they can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days or the freezer for about 1 month. (see note)

Step 18

Click here to see how to make the filling and form the completed gyoza! How to make Japanese Gyoza Dumplings. (See note)

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