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kazakh beshbarmak (boiled meat with noodles)


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 180 minutes

Total: 200 minutes

Servings: 4


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Step 1

Put your meat and 1/2 the onion in a deep enough dish to cover it with cold water leaving enough space on the top so that it doesn't boil over.

Step 2

Bring to the boil, constantly removing the foam, Reduce heat to simmer when it starts to boil. Cover it.

Step 3

Let it cook for about 2 1/2 hours or until the meat is tender and falling off the bone.

Step 4

Meanwhile, prepare your noodle dough.

Step 5

In a bowl mix the sifted flour (300-400 g), the eggs (whisk the eggs before you add into flour), add salt and pour water until a dough is formed.

Step 6

Knead pastry, adding flour or water as needed.

Step 7

Knead the dough well, wrap in plastic wrap and leave for 20-30 minutes.

Step 8

Sprinkle the work top with sifted flour and divide your dough into a few small balls

Step 9

Then keeping the worktop lightly covered with flour roll each piece of pastry into a fairly thin layer.

Step 10

Keep sprinkling with flour so that it doesn't stick to your hands or work surface.

Step 11

Cut into squares (10x10cm). Leave them on a worktop lightly covered with flour. The pieces should not touch or they will stick together. By the time you are ready to cook the noodles it should be dry a bit.

Step 12

minutes before your meat is ready, add the other half of the onion (cut in ring shapes), salt and pepper to taste, into your stock.

Step 13

Remove the meat and bones, separate as you will only serve the tender cooked meat.

Step 14

Bring the stock to a boil for about 7 or so minutes.

Step 15

Now cook the noodles in batches in the same stock for about 7-8 minutes. Sieve them out on to the big plate leaving the space in the center for meat. Then add your meat chopped in bite size pieces and put it in the center of the dish. Pour some broth over the meat.

Step 16

Sprinkle some chives and parsley to garnish over the top.

Step 17

Strain the broth and serve in bowls as shorpa alongside the platter of Beshbarmak

Step 18

Beshbarmak is served.

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