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manathakkali vathal podi for rice
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Servings: 10


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Step 1

Heat a pan and first roast black pepper. Keep stirring until it starts popping.

Step 2

Lower the flame until all of them are roasted well. You will know once the popping interval reduces.

Step 3

Transfer to a plate for cooling down.

Step 4

In goes cumin seeds. It will start popping soon. So take care not to burn it.

Step 5

Keep roasting until it is golden and fragrant. Remove in plate for cooling.

Step 6

Now add the vathal. Roast in low flame.

Step 7

As you roast, the vathal puffs up well. Test for doneness by crushing it to see if it gets powdered easily.

Step 8

Remove the roasted vathal in plate.

Step 9

Place the roasted items in blender/ mixie once cooled. Add required salt.

Step 10

Powder finely and transfer to airtight container.

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