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mexican quinoa avocado boats - homemade method
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Step 1

1)Cut the avocados in half and remove the seed. Gently scoop out some of the flesh if you think you need a larger hollow (if the seed was only small) to fill your avocado with the filling.

Step 2

2)Add all remaining ingredients in a bowl.

Step 3

3)Heat a splash of olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Briefly toss together your Mexican filling mixture, just enough to heat the mixture through. Alternatively, you can serve the mixture cold if preferred.

Step 4

4)Fill each avocado “boat” with the mixture, adjust seasonings to taste and serve immediately.

Step 5

1)Cut the avocados in half and remove the seed. Gently scoop out some of the flesh if you think you need a larger hollow (if the seed was only small) to fill your avocado with the filling.

Step 6

2)Add all remaining ingredients in a bowl.

Step 7

3)Heat a splash of olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Briefly toss together your Mexican filling mixture, just enough to heat the mixture through. Alternatively, you can serve the mixture cold if preferred.

Step 8

4)Fill each avocado “boat” with the mixture, adjust seasonings to taste and serve immediately.