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moo kratiem- thai garlic pork recipe


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Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total: 35 minutes

Servings: 4


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Step 1

Place 15 or more garlic cloves in a food chopper or mini food processor. Pulse lightly to prevent the garlic from getting too fine.

Step 2

Heat a non-stick skillet with oil over medium-low heat. Add chopped garlic and stir continuously until the garlic develops some color. Don't step away from the pan, the garlic can burn quickly. Once the garlic develops a golden color, drain it using a strainer under a cup or bowl. Save the oil, this is a garlic-infused oil.

Step 3

For the mortar method, add garlic, cilantro stems, and whole peppercorns. Pound all the ingredients together until a paste forms. Set aside until you start cooking the pork.

Step 4

If you don't have a mortar or molcajete, then place the ingredients in a food chopper and pulse. You can add a splash of water to get things going, if needed.

Step 5

In a medium bowl, add sliced pork 1 tablespoon of oil, 1 teaspoon of sugar, and 1 teaspoon soy sauce. This can also be done ahead of time and kept overnight in the refrigerator.

Step 6

Add a tablespoon of garlic oil to the same pan you cooked the garlic in. Over medium-high heat, add the pork and cook until halfway done.

Step 7

Add the paste to the pork and stir to combine. Then add oyster sauce, soy sauce, and fish sauce.

Step 8

In the mortar add a quarter cup of water and swish it around to get all the leftover bits. Pour that into the pan with the pork.

Step 9

Once the pork is fully cooked, taste to see if additional seasoning is needed. Add pork to a serving plate and top with the crispy fried garlic.

Step 10

Garnish the Moo Kratiem with some cilantro stems and serve with Jasmine rice. You can also serve with a side of steamed broccoli or another vegetable.

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