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onion pakoda recipe | kanda bajji | pyaj ke pakode | onion pakora


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Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Total: 40 minutes

Servings: 3


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Step 1

firstly, thinly slice the onions. make sure to slice of uniform thickness as it helps to fry easily.

Step 2

transfer the sliced onion into a large bowl.

Step 3

add 3 chilli, few curry leaves, 2 tbsp coriander, 1 tsp chilli powder, ¼ tsp turmeric, ¼ tsp cumin powder, ¼ tsp ajwain, 1 tsp ginger paste and ¾ tsp salt.

Step 4

squeeze and mix well making sure all the spices are well combined and onions release moisture.

Step 5

further add 1½ cup besan, ¼ cup rice flour and mix well.

Step 6

squeeze and mix without adding any water.

Step 7

the water in the onion is enough to form the dough. add more besan if required.

Step 8

now drop the dough into hot oil forming a random shape.

Step 9

fry on medium flame stirring occasionally.

Step 10

fry until the pakoda turns golden brown and crisp.

Step 11

finally, drain off the pakoda and enjoy with hot tea.

Step 12

firstly, in a bowl take ½ cup thick curd and 2 tbsp green chutney.

Step 13

mix well making sure everything is well combined.

Step 14

finally, enjoy dahi chatni with onion pakoda.

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