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peach piebetty crocker kitchens
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 25 minutes

Total: 3 hours, 10 minutes

Servings: 8


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Step 4

Place cookie sheet on oven rack. Heat oven to 400°F.

Step 10

In large bowl, mix sugar, flour and cinnamon. Stir in peaches and lemon juice. Spoon into frozen crust. While second crust is still in pan and frozen, remove crimp with sharp knife. Remove crust from pan and center frozen crust upside down on top of filled pie. Let thaw 10 minutes; crimp edges together. Cut 2 or 3 slits in top crust. Cover edge of crust with pie shield or foil strips.

Step 16

Bake on cookie sheet about 45 minutes or until crust is golden brown and juice is thick and bubbly. Cover entire top of pie loosely with foil if crust is getting too brown. Cool on cooling rack at least 2 hours.

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