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rose petal jam (with fresh or dried roses)


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Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Servings: 20

Cost: $1.15 /serving


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Step 1

Place the rose petals and sugar in a bowl and gently rub them together to very lightly bruise the petals. This is to infuse our sugar with the rose aroma.

Step 2

Cover with a cling film and leave on the kitchen counter.

Step 3

Place a small saucer in the freezer to chill, for testing the set.

Step 4

Combine the sugar and pectin in a bowl. This will prevent your pectin into forming lumps when heated.

Step 5

Place the roses, water and sugar/pectin mix in a saucepan and bring to a gentle simmer on medium-low heat.

Step 6

Stir a couple of times to help the sugar dissolve. Don't worry about the unsightly brown colour, the magic will take place with the lemon juice.

Step 7

Stir the lemon juice in and increase the heat to medium-high. Bring the mix to a rolling boil and keep it boiling for 10 minutes to thicken and get to its setting point.

Step 8

Now, we'll test its setting. Take the saucer out of the fridge and place about a quarter tsp of your jam on it. Count to 30, then nudge your jam. If it wrinkles instead of just being a runny liquid, it's done. If not, keep it boiling for another 2 minutes, and repeat (place the saucer back in the freezer).

Step 9

When you are happy with the set of the jam, take it off the heat and leave to cool for 2 minutes. Then, transfer the whole lot into your sterilised jar and leave and seal.Storage - see post above.

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