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sugar donuts from canned biscuits


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Servings: 4

Cost: $2.91 /serving


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Step 1

Heat cooking oil in a small skillet.

Step 2

In a shallow dish, mix sugar and cinnamon well.

Step 3

Separate biscuits and cut 1" hole in the center with a cookie cutter (we use a water bottle lid). Save cut out holes for cooking.

Step 4

Drop 3 or 4 biscuits into hot oil and cook until golden brown.

Step 5

Flip them over and cook opposite side. Do the same thing with the holes.

Step 6

Remove from oil and dredge in the sugar mixture and put on a seperate plate to cool.

Step 7

Note: You could also coat with powdered sugar.

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