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sweet chili tofu with curry leaves
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 25 minutes

Total: 45 minutes

Servings: 3


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Step 1

Remove the tofu from the water and drain from any excess water. You can press the tofu by wrapping this in a kitchen or paper towel and placing a heavy weighted object on top.

Step 2

Slice the tofu into 1/2-inch thick pieces and then into horizontally into sticks before cutting into small cubes. Mine were around 1/4-inch cubes. You can opt to slice your tofu in any other shape or even grate/crumble the tofu. I wanted small cubes for mine so it could easily be scooped with the rice as a rice meal.

Step 3

Mix all the ingredients together and feel free to adjust to your desired spice and taste.

Step 4

Heat a large wok or pan over medium high heat. Once hot, add 1 tbsp oil.

Step 5

Pan-fry the tofu until lightly brown and crispy. Do not overcook since the tofu can easily become tough.

Step 6

Move the tofu to the side of the pan.

Step 7

Add 1 tbsp oil and then sauté the green onion and garlic for 30 seconds until aromatic.

Step 8

Add the curry leaves and stir-fry on medium high heat until translucent. Mix everything with the tofu.

Step 9

Mix the sauce well to make sure the corn starch has not settled at the bottom.

Step 10

Over medium heat, pour the sauce into the tofu. Mix well and allow the sauce to thicken to a glaze from the sugars, around 1-2 minutes.

Step 11

Taste the tofu and feel free to adjust the seasoning and add more chili sauce, if desired. Mix in the chopped green onions.

Step 12

Serve while hot with a bowl of steamed rice. Enjoy!