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thai custard - authentic sangkaya recipe


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Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 50 minutes

Total: 55 minutes

Servings: 8


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Step 1

Whisk the eggs (you can also choose to use a blender).

Step 2

Add the coconut cream and the palm sugar.

Step 3

Add in the vanilla extract.

Step 4

Put the custard in steam safe bowls. Add the bowls into layered steamer.

Step 5

Steam for 50 minutes or until the custard reaches 170ºF (75ºC).

Step 6

As the custard becomes firm, it will expand. You can check to see if the custard is done by poking a toothpick into the custard. If it comes out cleanly, the custard is done.

Step 7

Allow to cool to room temperature.

Step 8

Serve with coconut sticky rice!

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