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Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 40 minutes

Total: 45 minutes

Servings: 4


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Step 1

Cut the eggplants in halves and place them in a baking tray. Drizzle some olive oil on the top and a sprinkle of salt. Turn them upside down and roast in the oven for 30 to 45 minutes at 200C. Roast the eggplants until they are tender and have started to collapse.

Step 2

With a spoon, scoop the flesh out and place it in a strainer for 10 minutes. This will get rid of the excess water that the eggplant contains.

Step 3

Chop the eggplant into small pieces. We use scissors for this step. Add the crushed garlic, tahini, lemon juice, olive oil, mint, salt and pepper and mix with a fork until everything is incorporated. Taste and adjust seasoning if needed.