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the best pizza dough - made with fresh milled flour


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Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 18 minutes

Total: 108 minutes

Servings: 6


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Step 1

Firstly, mill the flour

Step 2

Warm the water to around 90*F.

Step 3

Then, in a stand mixer, add warmed water, salt, sugar, olive oil, and flour. Mix until all incorporated.

Step 4

Cover, and let sit for at least 15 minutes to allow the fresh milled flour to absorb the water.

Step 5

Then, add the yeast, and mix to incorporate.

Step 6

Once, incorporated, start the kneading process. (This can take 20 or 25 minutes sometimes with fresh milled flour.)

Step 7

Knead until the dough reaches the window pane test.

Step 8

Cover the dough, and let rise for 1 hour or until doubled.

Step 9

Preheat oven to 480*F

Step 10

Now, Divide the dough into 2 or 3 equal pieces. This should make about Three -12 inch pizzas or Two- 15 inch pizzas.

Step 11

Then, tear off a large enough section of parchment paper for the pizza to fit on. And sprinkle with either rice flour, corn meal, or spray with baking spray. Just so the dough won't stick.

Step 12

Put a little olive oil on a smooth surface, and flatten out each dough section until it is the desired size.

Step 13

Place flattened dough onto the parchment paper, and add sauce & toppings.

Step 14

Then using a Pizza peel or a pan slide the pizza and the parchment paper into the preheated oven. Slide the pizza with the parchment paper right onto the oven rack, and pull the pan or peel back out.

Step 15

Bake for about 8 minutes, then remove the parchment paper, and finish baking for about 8 more minutes directly on the oven rack.

Step 16

Bake until cheese is browned & bubbly.

Step 17

Remove the pizza with the peel or pan, and allow to cool for a few minutes before cutting.

Step 18

After the dough reaches the window pane test, spray dough & Ziplock bags with a non stick oil.

Step 19

Divide dough, and place in sprayed bags, and press out the air.

Step 20

Place bags into the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Step 21

Then, when ready to make, Prepare the same way as above.

Step 22

After the dough reaches the window pane test, spray the dough & freezer safe Ziplock bags with a non stick oil.

Step 23

Divide dough and place in sprayed bags, and press out air.

Step 24

Place bags into freezer for up to 3 months.

Step 25

Then, when ready to make, pull the bags out of the fridge, and let defrost to room temperature. (probably will take about 2 to 3 hours.)

Step 26

Prepare same as above.