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home made pizza using fresh yeast dough recipe


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Prep Time: 215 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Servings: 4


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Step 1

Put the flour into a large bowl and sprinkle with salt. Using your hands or a wooden spoon, stir to evenly distribute the salt within the flour.

Step 2

Crumble the fresh yeast with your hand and add it into the bowl.

Step 3

Rub the fresh yeast through the flour, to further break it down (1 or 2 minutes will be sufficient).

Step 4

Add the malt extract to the water and stir. It should dissolve in few seconds.

Step 5

Add the water and malt mix into the bowl.

Step 6

Add the olive oil into the bowl.

Step 7

Using your hand, start mixing in circular motion.

Step 8

Keep mixing until all the ingredients come together.

Step 9

After a couple of minutes mixing, you should have a dough at its early stage of development. Now, we knead the dough so that it can develop the gluten and become firmer.

Step 10

The pizza dough in this recipe has 60% hydration. This quantity of water should give you a firm dough, however not all the pizza flours have the same quantity of proteins, so if you end up using a pizza flour at its lowest protein content, during a very humid day, you may have to knead a soft dough instead of a firm dough. If that is the case, knead the dough using the stretch and fold method (watch this short video).

Step 11

Kneading wet dough

Step 12

If your dough is firm, then knead the dough using the push, roll and turn method (watch this short video).

Step 13

Kneading Pizza Dough - normal firm consistency dough

Step 14

In my case, the dough was firm, so I opted for the second method. It is important that you do not add any extra flour. Keep kneading for at least 10 minutes and slowly you will see the dough coming together and becoming firmer and firmer.

Step 15

When the dough has been kneaded for at least 10 minutes, you should have a smooth, silky and elastic dough. Now, we need to shape the dough into a ball. To do so, lift and fold the outer edges of the dough towards the centre, while rotating the dough at the same time and tucking the edges into the centre of the ball (watch this short video).

Step 16

Anything between six and eight folds should be enough.

Step 17

When finished, turn the dough over and with both hands rotate the dough while applying gentle pressure to the bottom (as if tucking the dough underneath).

Step 18

If the above instruction has been carried out correctly, you should end up with a ball like this one.

Step 19

Grease the inside of a large bowl with a thin coat of olive oil.

Step 20

Roll the ball inside the bowl, lightly coating the surface of the ball with oil.

Step 21

Cover the bowl and leave the dough to rise for a couple of hours. This is called bulk fermentation.

Step 22

Before we do anything with our dough, we need to wait until it has raised properly. I have seen recipes around, saying “raise until it has double in volume”; this sometimes can happen in less than one hour; this time is not enough to develop the dough structure and flavour, so I advise to stick to 2 hours.

Step 23

This is the pizza dough after two hours bulk fermentation.

Step 24

Next, divide the dough in five segments of equal weight (150-160 g each).

Step 25

Make a ball out of each segment. To do so, roughly pre-shape the segment into a ball, then cup your hands over the ball. Press down and move your hand in a circular motion, while keeping the hand cupped. This action will compact the ball into a tight round shape (watch this short video).

Step 26

Cutting your Pizza dough into smaller balls.

Step 27

Spread some flour over the working surface and lay your dough balls onto it.

Step 28

Cover the dough balls with a dry cloth and leave them to rest for 1 hour. This time is called final fermentation.

Step 29

Once the final fermentation is completed, lightly flour the working surface and take the first dough ball. Using a rolling pin, start rolling so that you can make a large circle.

Step 30

The pizza base should match a 30 cm (12") diameter pizza tray.

Step 31

The pizza base should be very thin; I would say 2 or 3 millimetres (1/16" or 1/8") thick.

Step 32

Be sure that the bottom of the pizza base is appropriately floured before to drag it over the pizza tray. I like to make the base a bit larger than the tray, so that I can make a rim folding the outer edge towards the centre, but you can also decide to make a smaller circle and have a flat outer edge.

Step 33

To prepare the tomato sauce, add a dash of olive oil into a saucepan and pour a can of peeled plum tomatoes into the pan.

Step 34

Break down the tomato to avoid having big chunks (the most effective way is to use a potato masher). Add a pinch of salt and simmer for about 15 minutes. This will eliminate some of the water in the tomato sauce and increase its flavour.

Step 35

When the sauce has reduced to the right consistency, pour it into a small bowl and use it to top the pizza base as directed below. At this stage, do not add any oregano, because not all pizzas require oregano.

Step 36

With a small spoon spread the tomato topping onto the pizza base. I normally put three or four spoons and I spread the tomato moving outwards in circles. Add other spoons if you need to, but do not make a pond; the tomato should just colour the base.

Step 37

This is the finished job. Remember to leave a white border of about 1 cm.From now on, we start the differentiation according to the pizza topping we would like to have. I will be vague about the quantity of the ingredients because, as you will see, it is just up to you and your taste.

Step 38

Start grating some mozzarella. You can use mozzarella specifically suitable for pizza (available in any supermarket) or mozzarella balls packed in small plastic bags: these bags contain water so pat dry the mozzarella before grating it.

Step 39

Now, prepare the rest of the ingredients. Here we have some grated mozzarella (as above), some cooked ham (cut into pieces), some mushrooms (the best are the ones you can buy at the supermarket, preserved in sunflower oil), some small artichokes (preserved in sunflower oil) and finally some pitted black and green olives.

Step 40

Spread the pizza base with some mozzarella.

Step 41

Spread with some cooked ham.

Step 42

Spread with some mushrooms, artichokes and olives.

Step 43

Finally, complete with a dash of extra virgin olive oil.Always pre-heat the oven, to ensure baking the pizza straightaway at the right temperature. The oven should be set at the maximum temperature (usually 240ºC - 465ºF). If the oven is at the right temperature and your pizza is thin, it should take about 7/10 minutes to cook. Fan assisted ovens may require a different cooking time. After 5 minutes cooking, checking the pizza frequently is a good idea. When the border starts to become golden brown, it is probably the right time to take the pizza out of the oven.

Step 44

Start grating some mozzarella. You can use mozzarella specifically suitable for pizza (available in any supermarket) or mozzarella balls packed in small plastic bags: these bags contain water so pat dry the mozzarella before grating it.

Step 45

Now, prepare the rest of the ingredients. Here we have some grated mozzarella (as above), some Parma ham slices and some mushrooms (the best are the ones you can buy at the supermarket, preserved in sunflower oil).

Step 46

Spread the pizza base with some mozzarella.

Step 47

Place some Parma hum slices onto the pizza base.

Step 48

Spread with some mushrooms.

Step 49

Finally, complete with a dash of extra virgin olive oil.Always pre-heat the oven, to ensure baking the pizza straightaway at the right temperature. The oven should be set at the maximum temperature (usually 240ºC - 465ºF). If the oven is at the right temperature and your pizza is thin, it should take about 7/10 minutes to cook. Fan assisted ovens may require a different cooking time. After 5 minutes cooking, checking the pizza frequently is a good idea. When the border starts to become golden brown, it is probably the right time to take the pizza out of the oven.

Step 50

Start grating some mozzarella. You can use mozzarella specifically suitable for pizza (available in any supermarket) or mozzarella balls packed in small plastic bags: these bags contain water so pat dry the mozzarella before grating it.

Step 51

Now, prepare the rest of the ingredients. Here we have some grated mozzarella (as above), some Parmesan cheese shavings, some Swiss Emmenthal cheese cut into small pieces and finally some mushrooms (the best are the ones you can buy at the supermarket, preserved in sunflower oil).

Step 52

Spread the pizza base with some mozzarella.

Step 53

Add the Parmesan cheese shavings.

Step 54

Add the Emmenthal cheese.

Step 55

Spread with some mushrooms.

Step 56

Finally, complete with a dash of extra virgin olive oil.Always pre-heat the oven, to ensure baking the pizza straightaway at the right temperature. The oven should be set at the maximum temperature (usually 240ºC - 465ºF). If the oven is at the right temperature and your pizza is thin, it should take about 7/10 minutes to cook. Fan assisted ovens may require a different cooking time. After 5 minutes cooking, checking the pizza frequently is a good idea. When the border starts to become golden brown, it is probably the right time to take the pizza out of the oven.Other pizzasRead the section ”First stage of topping pizza” and prepare the pizza base accordingly.From now on, you can decide among these other options:Spread some fresh mozzarella (grated) and drizzle with olive oil. Before serving the pizza, top it with some fresh basil leaves. This pizza is called “Margherita”.orSpread some oregano, some anchovy fillets, some green and black olives, some capers and sprinkle with olive oil. This pizza is called “Siciliana”.orSpread some mozzarella, some Parmesan cheese shavings, some Gorgonzola cheese (or Stilton), some Emmenthal cheese (or Cheddar) and sprinkle with olive oil. This pizza is called “4 formaggi”.orSpread some oregano, some onion slices (finely sliced), some Pecorino cheese shavings and sprinkle with olive oil. Before serving the pizza, top it with some fresh basil leaves. This pizza is called “Pugliese”.Do not forget that many Italians like to give a final touch, when the pizza is hot on the table, with some drops of “hot chilli oil” (check the “hot chilli oil” recipe, featured in the specials section of the website.

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