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the best way to freeze potatoes so they last for months
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Step 1

Prepare the potatoes. Cut the potatoes into whatever shape you plan to use them down the road, and peel if desired.

Step 2

Parboil. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add the potatoes and cook until they’re just fork-tender, approximately 3-5 minutes, depending on the size of your cuts.

Step 3

Cool in an ice bath. Remove the potatoes from heat and put them into an ice bath to stop the cooking.

Step 4

Drain. Drain the potatoes well in a colander or sieve, shaking it a few times to remove as much water as possible.

Step 5

Freeze. On a baking sheet, place the potatoes in one layer without touching. Slide the baking sheet into the freezer and freeze for 6-12 hours, or until the potato pieces are frozen hard.

Step 6

Seal and freeze. Remove the frozen pieces and place in a Ziploc bag, squeezing to remove as much excess air as possible. Return to the freezer.

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