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this sweet chilli philly upgrade is perfect for friday night drinks
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Cook Time: 30 minutes

Servings: 7


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Step 1

Preheat the oven to 170C fan-forced (190C conventional).

Step 2

Place the feta in a baking dish. Add the crunchy chilli oil and honey to a bowl and stir to combine before spooning it over the top of the feta. Bake for 10–15 minutes or until the cheese has warmed through. For a few colour marks on top of the feta, turn the grill function on (optional) for the final minute of cooking time, watching like a hawk so as not to burn the seeds in your crunchy chilli oil.

Step 3

Serve as-is or transfer to a serving plate and drizzle the honey-chilli oil mixture over the top. Scatter with chopped chives and serve with crackers or spring roll crisps (see tip). Best served warm.

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