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vegan potstickers with mushrooms
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Servings: 4

Cost: $11.79 /serving


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Step 1

Cut mushrooms into small dices and then finely chop garlic, ginger and scallion. Mix 1 tablespoon of cornstarch with 1.5 tablespoon of water. Set aside.

Step 2

Heat oil in wok, fry garlic, ginger and scallion until aromatic. Then place the mushroom dices in. Fry for 2 minutes until the mushrooms are softened, add five spice powder, salt, light soy sauce and sesame oil. Simmer for another 2 minutes. Stir the starch water in advance and place in it. Mix well. Heat until the sauce is slightly thickened.

Step 3

Wrap well. I use homemade dumpling wrappers, you can use store bought ones or make it at home. By the way, if you need help about how to wrap dumplings, check here.

Step 4

Place in a non-stick pan, add some oil and fry until one side becomes crispy, sprinkle some water (just a small amount because the filling is already cooked), then fry the dumplings until crispy and hardened once again.

Step 5

Serve with dipping sauce.