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veggie jalfrezi
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Cook Time: 60 minutes

Total: 60 minutes

Servings: 10


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Recipe kindly shared by the Tesco Community Cookery School with Jamie Oliver. The recipe has been written to be flexible and scalable up to 50 portions. Note: all veg weights are for trimmed, prepped vegetables.Peel (or trim) and finely chop the alliums and ginger. Finely chop and deseed the chillies (if using).Place a pan large enough to hold all the ingredients on a medium heat with the oil.Add the alliums, ginger, chillies or chilli powder and curry powder. Cook for 15 to 20 minutes or until the veg is golden and softened, stirring frequently.Meanwhile, roughly chop your mixed veg, keeping any leafy greens (if using) to one side for later.Add the chopped veg (except the leafy greens, if using) to the pan and cook with a lid on for a few minutes, or until softened.Note the liquid level in the pan, then pour in the curry and tomato sauces, the chickpeas (juice and all) and 750ml of water.Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 35 minutes.Add the reserved leafy veg (if using). Bring back to the boil, and cook until the curry has reduced – the liquid should return to the same level as in step 7.Season to taste with lemon juice, sea salt and black pepper.

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