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beef and cabbage stir-fried noodles
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Servings: 2


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Step 1

Prepare the noodles according to package instructions. For the Fortune brand noodles used here they are soaked in hot water for about five minutes to soften them a little. Drain and set aside.

Step 2

In a large skillet heat two to three tablespoons olive oil over medium-high heat. Add the ground beef. You can turn up the heat a little (if necessary) to allow for quicker browning. After one or two minutes add one tablespoon of the soy seasoning and continue to stir-fry for three to four minutes until the beef shows some browning. Add the onion and celery and stir fry for another three minutes or until the vegetables are crisp-tender.

Step 3

Add the noodles and more olive oil if necessary. Add 1/4 cup water (see note) and stir fry the noodles for about three minutes to get some caramelization. Add the rest of the soy seasoning and cabbage, toss and stir fry until well combined, one to two minutes. Turn off the heat, plate and serve. Garnish with lime or lemon wedges, chopped scallions and ground pepper (all optional).