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black sesame soup


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Prep Time: 1 hours

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Servings: 6


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Step 1

Mix the rice and the cold water, then leave the rice to soak for anywhere from one to, ideally, four hours.

Step 2

Stir-fry the black sesame seeds for two minutes until toasted and fragrant. Remove from the heat and wait until completely cooled.

Step 3

Filter the rice, then mix it in a blender with three cups of water until completely smooth.

Step 4

Then, grind the black sesame seeds and mix them with ½ cup of water until well blended into a smooth paste.

Step 5

Now, mix the rice mixture and the sesame mixture in/with a blender. Transfer the mixture to a pot, then add the 3 ½ cups of water, and the sugar.

Step 6

Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low, and simmer, occasionally stirring, for 10 minutes until thickened.

Step 7

After 10 minutes have passed, add more boiling water, and blend the soup with a blender one last time to get that silky consistency.

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