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bread machine cranberry bread (with walnuts)


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 173 minutes

Total: 183 minutes

Servings: 12

Cost: $3.24 /serving


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Step 1

Bread machine settings – 1.5 lb, light color and “basic” bread setting.

Step 2

Unplug the bread machine and then remove the bread pan from the bread machine.

Step 3

Pour the milk & oil into the bread pan and then add the other ingredients (except the dried cranberries & chopped walnuts - they are added later).

Step 4

Place the bread machine yeast in last and the yeast should not touch the liquid or salt (until the bread machine is turned on and the ingredients start to be mixed together). Some people like to make a small “divot” on top of the flour in order to hold the yeast in one spot before the machine starts.

Step 5

Put the bread pan (with ingredients) back into the bread machine, close the bread machine lid and then plug in the bread machine.

Step 6

Enter the correct settings (1.5 lb, light color & basic bread) and press the “start” button.

Step 7

When the bread machine's first mixing cycle has stopped and before the second (& final) mixing cycle starts, you should add the dried cranberries & chopped walnuts. FYI - See your bread machine manual on when & how to add fruits & nuts when using your bread machine. Always follow the manufacturer instructions for your specific bread machine.

Step 8

When the bread machine has finished baking the bread, unplug the bread machine.

Step 9

Remove the bread pan from the unplugged bread machine. Use oven mitts when removing the bread machine container (bread pan) as it will be very hot!

Step 10

Take the bread out of the bread pan and place the bread on a wire cooling rack. Wear oven mitts.

Step 11

After removing the bread, don’t forget to remove the mixing paddle if it is stuck in the bread. Use oven mitts as the mixing paddle will be very hot coming out of the bread machine. Or wait until the bread is completely cooled and then remove the mixing paddle.