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cake mix cinnamon rolls
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 2 hours, 30 minutes

Cook Time: 25 minutes

Total: 2 hours, 55 minutes

Servings: 24

Cost: $1.55 /serving


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Step 1


Step 2

Start by proofing the yeast by adding warm water and the 2 packets of yeast to a small bowl. The water needs to be at least 95 degrees but no hotter than 110 degrees. It takes about 5 minutes to proof.

Step 3

While the yeast is proofing Mix together 3 1/2 cups of flour , cake mix, and sugar in a large bowl. Make a well in the center to pour the liquid.

Step 4

Once the yeast is completely dissolved give it a little stir and pour into the well of the dry ingredients.

Step 5

I do this the old fashioned way and use a wooden spoon . Slowly stir until all of the ingredients are incorporated. At this point you can add remaining flour until the dough isn't too sticky to knead

Step 6

Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and knead and add flour as needed if the dough gets too sticky

Step 7

After about 5 minutes of kneading the dough should smooth and elastic like

Step 8

Form the dough into a ball and Place in an oiled bowl, cover with a towel.

Step 9

Place in a warm, non drafty area to allow to rise. The dough should double in size after about an hour

Step 10

Mix the ingredients to the cinnamon sugar filling and set aside

Step 11

Punch dough down and turn out onto a floured surface.

Step 12

Cut dough in half , set one half aside and keep one on the floured surface

Step 13

Roll the dough evenly to rectangle , it should be about 14x10

Step 14

Spread 4 tablespoons of room temperature butter out on to the dough, leaving about a 1/2 inch all the way around free of butter

Step 15

Sprinkle 3/4 cup of the cinnamon sugar mixture onto the butter

Step 16

Start rolling the dough up like a jelly roll starting with the long side.

Step 17

Now to cut the rolls. Using a very sharp knife coated with flour cut off the ends and discard.

Step 18

Carefully cut rolls 1/2-3/4 inch wide and place them in an oiled pan. Depending on how you cut them you should get 12 per roll which is perfect for a 9x13 pan. Just make sure you leave enough room for them the rise. (so a total of 24 give or take)

Step 19

Cover and let rise again , they should double in size . It should take about 30 minutes and preheat oven to 350 degrees

Step 20

Repeat this process with the other dough or get them ready to parpaking and freezing

Step 21

Place rolls in a preheated oven and bake for 20-25 minutes, or until slightly golden brown

Step 22

While rolls are baking mix all the ingredients for frosting

Step 23

Let the rolls cool for about 10 minutes and spread frosting on top of rolls