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chicken and avocado salad with lime and cilantro


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Prep Time: 15 minutes

Total: 15 minutes

Servings: 6


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Step 1

Cut up enough chicken to make 3 cups of chopped chicken. I like it cut into fairly large chunks.

Step 2

Dice the avocados into medium-sized pieces, put in small bowl, mix with 1 T of the lime juice, and season avocado with salt to taste.

Step 3

Thinly slice the green onion and finely chop the cilantro (if using).

Step 4

Mix 3 T mayo and 2 T lime juice to make the dressing. (If you're not a huge lime fan like I am, you might want to start with less lime and taste, adding more until it seems sour enough for you.

Step 5

Put the chicken into a bowl large enough to hold all the salad ingredients.

Step 6

Add the sliced green onions and dressing and toss until all the chicken is coated with dressing.

Step 7

Add the avocado and any lime juice in the bottom of the bowl and gently combine with the chicken.

Step 8

Then add the chopped cilantro and gently mix into the salad, just until it is barely combined. Season with salt to taste.

Step 9

Serve right away or chill for a while before serving.  This could be served inside pita bread or sandwich bread, or inside crisp lettuce cups, but we just ate it as a salad.

Step 10

This will keep in the fridge overnight, but the avocado is best when it's freshly made. When I make it I rarely have leftovers, but if you're only making for one or two people you might want to cut the recipe in half.

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