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crispy spinach mozzarella sticks
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Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 8 minutes


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Step 1

In a small skillet over medium heat, melt the butter. Add the spinach and garlic and sauté until the spinach has cooked down, 5 to 8 minutes. Set the spinach aside to cool.

Step 2

Meanwhile, cut each string cheese stick in half for a total of 12 short sticks.

Step 3

Cut each egg roll wrapper in half for a total of 12 wrappers. Place ½ teaspoon of the spinach mixture on the short edge of the egg roll wrapper and spread it out thinly (but not all the way to the edges).

Step 4

Place a cheese stick half on the egg roll wrapper next to the spinach. Fold in the sides of the wrapper and then roll up the egg roll lengthwise.

Step 5

Spritz the air fryer basket with the spray oil and place the egg rolls in the basket, seam side down.

Step 6

Spray the egg rolls with additional spray oil and sprinkle them with the salt.

Step 7

Air-fry the mozzarella sticks at 375°F (191°C) for 7 to 8 minutes, flipping the mozzarella sticks once halfway through the cooking time. They should be brown and crispy. Serve the mozzarella sticks with warmed marinara sauce and Parmesan cheese for dipping.

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