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dark chocolate almond lacey cookies


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Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total: 40 minutes


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Step 1

Preheat oven to 350°F. Line a baking sheet with a silicone baking mat or parchment paper.

Step 2

Pulse the almonds in a food processor until finely chopped. In a separate bowl stir together the nuts, flour, and salt in a large bowl.

Step 3

Combine the sugar, cream, corn syrup and butter in a small saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until mixture comes to a rolling boil and sugar is dissolved. Boil for 1 minute. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla, then pour into almond mixture and stir to combine. Place in the refrigerator to cool, about 30 minutes.

Step 4

Scoop rounded teaspoons (they should be itty bitty!) of batter and roll into balls. Place on prepared baking sheet, leaving about 3 to 4 inches between each cookie since they spread.

Step 5

Bake 1 pan at a time, until the cookies are thin and an even golden brown color throughout, about 10 minutes. Cool on baking sheet for 5 minutes, then transfer to racks to cool. Repeat with remaining batter.

Step 6

Melt chocolate in a microwave proof bowl for 30 seconds. Stir. Repeat until the chocolate is fully melted. Pair up cookies of equal size. Spread chocolate onto one cookie and press carefully together with another cookie. Repeat with remaining cookie pairs. Let cool, and store in an airtight container.

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