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egg white wrap recipe


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Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total: 10 minutes

Servings: 2


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Step 1

Heat a non-stick pan over low to medium heat with a small amount of oil, cooking spray, or butter.

Step 2

If you are using whole eggs, you will need to separate the eggs from the yolk.  There are two ways to do this below.  If using egg whites from a carton, just skip to step 3!a. Crack the egg over a bowl just enough so you can pry the egg open. Slowly open the shell and rock it from one side to the other to keep the yolk in the shell and push the egg whites into the bowl. Continue this until you have gotten most of the egg whites out. Store the egg yolk in a jar for use in other recipes later!b. Crack the entire egg (yolk and whites) into a bowl. Take an empty plastic water bottle and position it upside down over the bowl. Squeeze the bottle so most of the air is dispelled, then gently place the rim of the water bottle on the egg yolks, and release your grip allowing air to come back into the bottle. When the air returns to the bottle, it will also suck the egg yolk back into the bottle with it. Repeat with as many egg yolks as you want and then store the egg yolks for use in other recipes.

Step 3

Add the almond flour (corn starch or xanthan if allergic to nuts, see how to substitute below) and the egg whites to a blender and blend until fluffy and smooth.  It's critical that the almond flour and eggs are mixed thoroughly so there aren't any clumps. You may also add salt and pepper if you like (or any other seasoning).

Step 4

Slowly pour the egg whites into the heated pan in a circular motion.  The egg whites will begin cooking immediately and will likely not be covering the pan evenly.  To create a uniform wrap, lift the pan by the handle and rock from front to back, also in a circular motion, to spread the egg whites out evenly without touching them.  This is the same method used to make crepes if you are familiar with that process.

Step 5

Once the top of the egg whites are bubbling all over (about 2-3 minutes), slide a large spatula under the egg whites and flip!  You may need to use another spatula to lift the egg white wrap to fully get a spatula under it enough to flip it.

Step 6

Let this side cook for another 1-2 minutes and then remove from the pan and repeat until you have all the egg white wraps your heart desires!