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fresh blackberry glacé pie


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Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 25 minutes

Total: 225 minutes

Servings: 8


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Step 1

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

Step 2

Measure out 1/4 cup water and stick it in the freezer.

Step 3

Mix flour, sugar, and salt in a medium bowl.

Step 4

Using a pastry cutter or fork, cut in shortening until mixture is the consistency of fine crumbs.

Step 5

Grate the cold butter with a cheese grater (or cut into pieces) and work it into the mixture with the shortening, using the pastry cutter.

Step 6

Crack an egg into a small bowl, beat thoroughly and divide in half (just eyeball it. You can save the other half or toss it.) Add the water in the freezer to the half egg. Use a fork and then your hands to work it into a ball. Knead just until it comes together.

Step 7

Divide the dough in half. Put one half in the freezer and use it in 3 days when you decide that you need to make this pie again.

Step 8

Place the other half onto a floured surface and roll out carefully into a circle large enough for your pie pan. (About 12 inches).

Step 9

Use the rolling pin to transfer the pie crust to the pie plate. Tuck the ends in and crimp the edges however you like. (see photos)

Step 10

Line the pie crust with aluminum foil and add pie weights (or dry beans, spare change, anything that won't be bothered in the oven). Bake the crust for about 16-17 minutes, or until the edges start to become golden. Remove the foil and weights and bake for another 2-3 minutes to crisp the center a little bit.

Step 11

Let the crust cool completely.

Step 12

Add the cream cheese to a bowl and beat thoroughly with an electric mixer.

Step 13

Scrape the cream cheese into the pie crust and spread carefully onto the bottom. Don't tear the crust! Go slow.

Step 14

Add 7 cups of fresh blackberries on top of the cream cheese, mounding it slightly in the middle.

Step 15

In a medium saucepan, add sugar and cornstarch and whisk together. Add the cold water and stir until there are no lumps. Turn the heat to medium. Add the remaining 1 and 1/2 cups blackberries and mash them completely. Stir the mixture until it reaches a boil, then boil for 1 minute. Remove from heat and pour over the fresh blackberries, making sure to distribute evenly.

Step 16

Poke toothpicks all over the top of the pie, then cover with plastic wrap (so that it doesn't stick).

Step 17

Refrigerate for at least 3 hours or overnight. Serve with whipped cream!

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