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grandma's old fashioned sweet potato pie


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Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 40 minutes

Total: 175 minutes

Servings: 12


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Step 1

Whisk together flour, sugar, and salt.

Step 2

Cut butter into large cubes. Emphasis on large. I recommend cutting each stick into four chunks and then each chunk into four more chunks. Then place the butter chunks in the flour mixture and toss to coat with flour.

Step 3

Once tossed, smash each chunk of butter between your fingertips. Smash each flat, then move on to the next chunk. You don’t need to cutting the butter in or anything else because you want the butter to stay in large chunks.

Step 4

Once each chunk is smashed, using a spatula stir in the water. Stir the dough until it forms a sticky ball. You will need to use the side of the bowl to bring the dough together.

Step 5

Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and knead a few more times to finish bringing the dough together. Place the dough back into the bowl and refrigerate for 10 minutes- you want to keep the dough cold and the butter from melting.

Step 6

Roll out the dough on the floured surface (adding more when needed), into a large rectangle (roughly12x10 inches). Make sure to flip the dough, add more flour if sticking and don’t hesitate to put it back in the fridge if the butter starts melting and sticking.

Step 7

Fold the 10-inch sides to the center of the rectangle then fold the other ends together like closing a book. Cut in half and then refrigerate both halves for 10 minutes.

Step 8

Bring out one piece of dough and roll into a circle large enough to fit your pie plate. Place in your pie plate, pressing into the corners, and then cut the extra dough that hangs over the edge using scissors.

Step 9

Cover with plastic wrap and allow the dough to relax for at least 2 hours in the fridge or overnight.

Step 10

The second half of pie dough can either be frozen and used later or used immediately for a second pie. If freezing, place in a freezer bag and freeze for 2 months. To use just allow it to thaw in the refrigerator then follow the instructions from step If using the second piece right away simply repeat what you did with the first half.

Step 11

Preheat oven to 400°F and pierce pie crust bottom and sides with a fork.

Step 12

Lay a piece of parchment paper on top of the pie crust then fill the pie crust with rice, sugar, or pie weights. Bake for 11 minutes, then remove the rice/sugar and parchment and continue bake for another 10 minutes. The crust will start to brown.

Step 13

Set aside until ready to fill.

Step 14

While baking crust, whisk heavy cream, milk, eggs and yolks, and vanilla together until well combined.

Step 15

In a large sauce pan over medium heat combine sweet potato puree, granulated sugar, brown sugar maple syrup, pumpkin pie spice, cinnamon, and salt to a simmer. This will take 15-20 minutes.

Step 16

After mixture is well combined remove from heat and whisk in the heavy cream mixture. Once that is fully incorporated strain the mixture through a fine mesh strainer. This step isn’t a must, but it really does make for a very smooth pie filling. I totally recommend it. Use a spatula or large spoon to press the solids through the strainer.

Step 17

Place your pie pan (with cooked crust) on a baking sheet and then pour the filling in the pie crust.

Step 18

Adjust the oven rack to the lowest position. Place the baking sheet with the pie in the oven. * Bake for 10 minutes at 400° then reduce oven temperature to 300° and bake for 25-30 more minutes. You want the edges of the pie to be set and the center to be slightly jiggly.

Step 19

Once done remove from oven and let cool at room temperature.

Step 20

Preheat broiler on high

Step 21

Spread the marshmallow fluff over the top of the cooled pie.

Step 22

Broil on high until the marshmallow is golden brown. This will only take a minute or two depending on how close your pie is to the broiler. Please just watch the pie the entire time. It can go from not toasted to burned very fast!

Step 23
