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guatemalan salpicon (shredded beef and mint salad)


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 60 minutes

Total: 90 minutes

Servings: 6


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Step 1

Simmer the beef in a frying pan covered with the stock for at least one hour or until tender. Then remove the beef and chill it in the fridge. Reserve the broth for another use

Step 2

Dice the tomatoes finely.

Step 3

Mince the onion very finely. A mezzaluna works great for this

Step 4

Remove the mint leaves from the stalks and chop them finely. Discard the stems.

Step 5

Remove the seeds and finely chop the jalapeno

Step 6

Once the meat has cooled, remove any fat and shred the meat into strips using two forks. Then dice the meat into tiny pieces.

Step 7

Combine the meat and chopped mint, onion, tomato and jalapeno pepper in a large bowl.

Step 8

In a separate bowl, combine the lime juice from two limes, 3 Tablespoons of orange juice plus salt and pepper.

Step 9

Pour the lime juice mixture over the meat mixture and toss lightly with a fork.

Step 10

Chill in the refrigerator for at least one hour and then serve.

Step 11

Garnish with mint, serve with hot tortillas and a radish salad, Enjoy!

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