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indian dosa (fermented crepes)


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Step 1

Combine the rice, dal and fenugreek seeds in a large bowl. Rinsein water and drain.

Step 2

Add 6 cups of water to the bowl, cover and leave to soak, away from directsunlight for 6 hours or overnight.

Step 3

Drain the rice and dal, reserving the soaking liquid.

Step 4

Transfer the rice and dal to the Vibe Blender jug. Add the Poha (if using) and1 cup of the soaking water.  (Do not add saltuntil after fermentation).

Step 5

Secure the lid on the jug then blend on ‘smoothie’ mode for40 seconds. Open the lid and scrape down the sides of the jug. Monitor theconsistency. If the batter is too thick, add more water. The batter should be flowingeasily, but not runny and not too thick. Blend for another 30 seconds until thebatter is a fine, smooth texture.

Step 6

Pour the batter into a large, clean glass bowl (or yogurt maker jar). Cover with a cloth and leave to sit in a warm place, away from direct sunlight for 8 hours or overnight until it increases in size and has bubbles.

Step 7

When the batter has completed fermentation, stir in the salt. Monitor the consistency again; it should be pourable but not too runny. You might need to add some tap water. Sometimes the batter becomes thicker while fermenting. The batter should be thin enough to spread evenly on the pan.

Step 8

Heat the pan on medium-high heat. Brush with oil. Make surethe pan is heated well before adding the batter. Lower the heat a little whilespreading the batter and then bring back to medium-high.

Step 9

Take a ladle full of the batter and pour in the centre ofthe pan. Immediately spread the batter with the back side of the ladle, fromthe centre outward in a circular motion. It takes practise! Try to spread thedosa as thin as possible.

Step 10

Cook until the edges start to lift, and the bottom is goldenbrown. This usually takes about 2 to 3 minutes. You typically only need to cookone side of the dosa. If you have spread the dosa thick, then you might want toflip it and cook on the other side.

Step 11

Use a spatula to lift the dosa at the edges. You can rollthe dosa or fold. Remove from the pan and serve immediately.

Step 12

Repeat the process for the next dosa.

Step 13

Store the leftover dosa batter in a glass airtightcontainer. It keeps well up to a week.

Step 14

These rice lentil crepes (plain dosa) tastes just deliciouswith

Step 15

Serve hot dosa, plain, with curry, coconut chutney, or withany of your favourite Indian accompaniments.