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layered banana split protein smoothie
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Total: 10 minutes

Servings: 2


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Step 1

Make the chocolate layer first: In a blender, add in frozen banana, protein powder, cocoa powder, chia seeds and milk. It should be THICK. Divide between 2 medium glasses and place in the freezer.

Step 2

Rinse the blender, then make the banana layer by adding frozen banana, protein powder, chia seed and milk. Blend until thick, smooth and creamy.

Step 3

Gently layer banana smoothie onto chocolate smoothie, gently spooning it around the inside edge of the glass. Place glasses back inside the freezer.

Step 4

To make the strawberry layer: Blend strawberries, protein powder and almond milk together. Again, you want this to be pretty thick, but you may need to add in more almond milk to make it blend.

Step 5

Once strawberry smoothie is thick and creamy, gently spoon it over the chocolate layer. Place glasses back in the freezer again for a few minutes, then enjoy!