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lebanese zaatar


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total: 30 minutes

Servings: 50


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Step 1

Pick fresh oregano (or wild thyme (hyssop)) and separate leaves from stalks. Wash the leaves thoroughly and spin dry, ensuring all dampness is gone.Place the oregano leaves into a breathable cloth bag and hang them in the sun until completely dry, which may take several days.If using store bought ground oregano, skip this step.

Step 2

Over medium-high heat, dry toast the sesame seeds until golden. Add the ground oregano, ground sumac, and salt to the sesame seeds. Stir the mixture over the heat for about 5-10 minutes until everything is well combined and aromatic.Allow the zaatar mix to cool completely to room temperature before storing it in airtight jars in the pantry.