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If you're a fan of lemon ricotta pancakes or cheese Danish, you'll flip for these higher-protein pancakes that will remind you a little of both, minus the sugar crash. If you want to make these even more unique, look for Meyer lemons, a special breed of lemon in season November through March. Place the Atkins Flour Mix, almond meal, and baking powder, in a large bowl. Stir well. In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs, then blend with the cottage cheese, lemon zest, and lemon juice until well incorporated. Add to the dry ingredients and blend well.Melt the coconut oil over medium heat. Using a 1/4-cup measure, drop batter onto the skillet or griddle. Cook 2 to 3 minutes until the edges start to firm and bubbles begin to form in the middle of each pancake. Coat the tops with a light layer of cooking spray. Flip the pancakes and cook another 1 to 2 minute or until firm. Serve immediately.Find this and other delicious recipes in the new Atkins: Eat Right Not Less Guidebook to Living a Low-Carb and Low-Sugar Lifestyle!