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oatmeal protein pancakes (no protein powder!)


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Total: 15 minutes

Servings: 2


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Step 1

Add all the ingredients to a blender and combine until they form a smooth batter. It could take a couple of minutes for the oatmeal to break down and form a smooth batter. For lower power blenders, blend the oats first and then add the remaining ingredients.

Step 2

Using a quarter cup measure, pour the batter into a medium high heat pan sprayed with cooking spray and flip once the batter begins to bubble and pop.

Step 3

Cook for another 1-2 minutes and serve with your favorite pancake toppings.

Step 4

*If you usually like a sweeter pancake batter, consider adding a touch of brown sugar, Stevia, agave, or honey to your batter.