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pretzel s'mores bites


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Servings: 46


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Step 1

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Evenly space 23 pretzels on the baking sheet. Top each pretzel with a marshmallow and one square of Hershey’s Milk Chocolate. Place in the oven under the broiler and heat until marshmallows are just beginning to brown and the chocolate is softened. Remove from oven and top each with a pretzel to form a sandwich. Chill in refrigerator until chocolate is set.

Step 2

Melt the chocolate chips in a metal bowl over a pan of lightly simmering water. Stir occasionally until smooth, and remove from heat. Dip each pretzel bite halfway into the melted chocolate and place on the prepared baking sheet. Chill in refrigerator until chocolate is set.

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