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sourdough pita chips
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 60 minutes

Cook Time: 60 minutes

Total: 720 minutes

Servings: 100


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Step 1

Measure out the flour, water, sourdough starter, olive oil and salt into a large mixing bowl.Gently combine all the ingredients so it forms a shaggy dough. Let the dough sit for around 30 minutes.

Step 2

After 30 minutes, tip the shaggy dough onto the counter and knead the dough for around 5 to 10 minutes. You shouldn't need any extra flour as the dough shouldn't be sticky.Check the texture of your dough. It should be smooth and silky.

Step 3

Once the dough is sufficiently kneaded, place it into a glass bowl, cover with cling wrap or a damp tea towel and leave to rise until it has doubled. This may take several hours, depending on the temperature of your kitchen. Watch the dough and it will show you when it's ready, rather than going by a set amount of time. Using 200g of sourdough starter means the process will happen faster than if you used less (see notes)

Step 4

Once the dough has doubled, separate the dough into smaller balls so they are ready to be rolled out. I find around 50g to be the perfect size. The easiest way to do this is to flip the dough onto your counter, making sure the sticky side is facing up. Use a metal dough scraper to gently cut chunks of the dough away. Gently form into a loose ball. Leave the balls on your counter top, covered with a tea towel, for around 30 minutes to allow the gluten to relax. (see notes)

Step 5

Roll each piece of dough out into a round circle (they don't have to be perfect). You want them to be fairly thin. It's ok if the dough is a bit thicker in some places. If it tears, just pull it back together. These can be quite rustic, it won't matter.Have some semolina or cornmeal handy to use if you're using a rolling pin so the dough doesn't become sticky. The olive oil in the dough will make it quite elastic though.

Step 6

When you're ready to cook, heat a frying pan, cast iron skillet or bbq plate until it's HOT! These pita breads need a very hot plate.Pop each round of dough into the hot pan for a minute on each side. If you find the dough has "shrunk" a little from when you shaped it, just gently use your hands to stretch it a little before you drop it in the pan.They will only need around 1 minute each side. They will bubble up and brown very quickly. Once it bubbles, flip to the other side to brown and then remove.

Step 7

Once the pita breads are cooked, wrap them in a cotton dish towel until they're all done.

Step 8

Now preheat the oven to 200C (390F). Place a sheet of parchment paper onto a large baking tray.

Step 9

Cut the round pita breads into wedges or triangles (they don't need to be perfect).

Step 10

Drizzle the wedges of pita bread with a little olive oil and sprinkle with flaky sea salt.

Step 11

Bake the sourdough pita chips for around 10 minutes or until they are golden and crispy. Allow them to cool on a wire rack before serving with your favorite dip.