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spicy chinese tofu skin salad


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Prep Time: 30 minutes

Total: 30 minutes

Servings: 4


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Step 1

Rinse tofu and thinly slice the block of tofu skin into thin strips approximately 0.5cm thick. Use your hands and pull tofu skin noodles apart so you have a pile of what looks like tofu skin noodles. Set aside for assembly.

Step 2

Peel the cucumber and trim the ends. Cut the cucumber in half lengthwise and then again so you have 4 long quarters. Cut the cucumber diagonally about 1-1.5cm apart.

Step 3

Cut cauliflower into even florets.Bring a medium size pot of water to boil, add cauliflower florets and boil for 2 minutes. Drain cauliflower florets and add straight to ice cold water to cool down. Leave for about 2 minutes and then drain from cold water. Set aside for assembly.

Step 4

Wash and chop 2 sprigs of scallion (spring onion) into 0.5cm rounds.

Step 5

In a small bowl add black vinegar, soy sauce, brown sugar, sesame oil and warm water.

Step 6

Mix well together until sugar dissolves.

Step 7

Add chili oil, crushed garlic and grated ginger and mix well together.

Step 8

Taste and adjust if you prefer more spicy.

Step 9

In a mixing bowl, add tofu skin, cucumber and cauliflower together.

Step 10

Mix together with dressing. Make sure all the veggies and tofu skin are fully coated with dressing.

Step 11

Scatter with chopped scallion (spring onion) and toss together.

Step 12

Pop salad into the fridge and let the salad “marinate” in the dressing for about 15 minutes before serving.

Step 13

Tumble into a large serving bowl and serve.