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spicy tuna crispy rice


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Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total: 30 minutes

Servings: 8


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Step 1

Finely dice tuna.

Step 2

In small bowl, mix tuna, mayo, chili crisp and honey. Combine.

Step 3

Add a small sprinkle of salt (depending on your taste preferences).

Step 4

Refrigerate until all components are prepared.

Step 5

Cut avocado into small cubes.

Step 6

Squeeze with lime juice.

Step 7

Add small sprinkle of salt (to taste).

Step 8

Mash with fork until combined and your desired texture. You may prefer creamier or chunkier avocado.

Step 9

Refrigerate until all components are prepared.

Step 10

Cook rice. See notes for stovetop and instant pot directions.

Step 11

Cover a baking sheet pan with piece of parchment paper. Spread rice over parchment paper to cool (about 5 minutes). Sprinkle your rice evenly with salt (to taste). Salt as if you were salting plain rice to eat.

Step 12

Once rice has cooled enough so that you can comfortably handle it, roll rice into approximately 8 uniform balls. Slightly smaller than a golf ball size. Note: The rice is very sticky so it is easier if you periodically wet your hands.

Step 13

Once balls are formed, lightly wet your hand and lightly press down on the rice balls and form into flat circular patty.

Step 14

In large frying pan, heat 4 tablespoons oil on high heat. Oil should be hot (about 30 seconds or so).

Step 15

Using a spatula, gently place your rice patties into pan. Be careful of any oil splatter.

Step 16

Cook approximately 4 minutes on first side. You are looking for a golden brown color.

Step 17

Flip each rice patty. After you flip, add 2 tablespoons additional oil to pan.

Step 18

Cook the second side for an additional 3 to 4 minutes. Again, looking for a golden brown color.

Step 19

Remove from pan and place on plate lined with paper towel to absorb any excess oil.

Step 20

Layer your spicy tuna crispy rice by first placing your rice patty on a plate.

Step 21

Add about 1-1.5 tsp of avocado mixture.

Step 22

Add about 1-1.5 tsp of spicy tuna mixture.

Step 23

Sprinkle with black and/or white sesame seeds for garnish.

Step 24

Optional drizzle of sesame oil. These are best enjoyed as soon after rice is cooked.