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state fair lemonade
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total: 5 minutes

Servings: 1


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Step 1

Make sure the lemons are washed thoroughly.

Step 2

Quarter both lemons and place them in one of the containers.

Step 3

Muddle the lemons until you’ve gotten as much juice as possible out of them.

Step 4

Add the sugar to the container with the lemons and give it a little shake. The lemon juice helps dissolve the sugar.

Step 5

Fill the container ¾ of the way with ice and then add the water.

Step 6

Place the lid on, before making the hole in it, and shake it really well, combining all the ingredients thoroughly.

Step 7

Make a hole in the lid using a 5/16” hole punch, or by your preferred method, add a straw, and enjoy your fair lemonade!