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Your Recipes

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total: 35 minutes

Servings: 2

Cost: $8.63 /serving


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Step 1

Gather all the ingredients.

Step 2

Make the soup. In a medium saucepan, dissolve 4 tsp of Chuka Dashi in 3⅓ cups (800 ml) of hot water. Mix well and bring to boil then set aside. Alternatively, you can use my homemade Chicken Stock recipe.

Step 3

In a small bowl, add dried wood ear mushrooms and add just enough water to cover them. Re-hydrate until soft and squeeze to remove the water. Cut green onion into 2 inches (5 cm).

Step 4

Cut the cabbage leaves into bite size pieces. Cut the carrot into thin slabs and then cut them in half. Rinse the bean sprouts under running water.

Step 5

Start preparing a big pot of water to cook noodles. While waiting, heat the wok or large frying pan on high heat (if non-stick frying pan, medium to medium high heat). Once it’s hot, add oil and swirl the oil around to coat the wok. Then add the pork belly and cook until no longer pink.

Step 6

Add 1 Tbsp sake. Then add wood ear mushrooms, green onion, and carrot.

Step 7

Add the cabbage and bean sprouts.

Step 8

Season with freshly ground black pepper and pinch of kosher salt.

Step 9

Once the cabbage is tender, add the chicken stock and sesame oil and bring to simmer.

Step 10

When the water is boiling, add the noodles by loosening them up with hands. Cook the noodles according to the package instructions. Drain well and divide the noodles into two bowls.

Step 11

Pour the toppings and soup over the noodles and serve immediately.

Step 12

Dash of white pepper is great for enhancing the noodles' flavor.