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tofu mcmuffins
Your Recipes

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Total: 30 minutes

Servings: 8


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Step 1

Saute kale in coconut oil until soft and fragrant, then add the rest of the ingredients and stir until combined.

Step 2

Cut tofu into 1cm X 4cm X 4cm rectangles (roughly - whatever is a good shape to fit neatly inside of your English muffins)

Step 3

Bring tofu rectangles to sink and squeeze out excess moisture with hands

Step 4

Fry tofu in 1 Tbsp coconut oil until golden brown and crispy. Flip and repeat with remaining 1 Tbsp coconut oil.

Step 5

While tofu is frying, combine all spices in a bowl.

Step 6

Remove frying pan from heat. Drizzle soy sauce over the tofu followed by half of the seasoning mix, until all slices are coated.

Step 7

Return pan to high heat, flip tofu so the seasoned side can brown (1-2 min). Sprinkle remaining seasoning over the unseasoned sides, flip, and allow those sides to brown.

Step 8

Remove from heat and assemble sandwiches.

Step 9

Place English muffin slices with cheese in a hot, buttered frying pan. Add 2 Tbsp water, cover, and allow to steam for 1-2 min to melt the cheese.

Step 10

Place one rectangle of fried tofu on one slice, top with 1/2 cup kale saute, and the other half of the English muffin. Press down with a spatula to adhere cheese to the rest of the ingredients.

Step 11

Fry for 1 min then serve immediately or wrap in tin foil and store in a warm oven until serving.