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traditional huevos rancheros recipe
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Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Servings: 4


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Step 1

Preheat the oven to 425°.

Step 2

Add the tomatoes, peppers, onions, and garlic to a sheet tray lined with parchment paper, and coat in the 3 tablespoons of oil and season with salt and pepper.

Step 3

Roast in the oven at 425° for 30 minutes and then add to a blender and pulse a few times so that it is like a chunky salsa. Transfer to a saucepot, adjust seasonings with salt and pepper, and keep warm over low heat.

Step 4

While the vegetables are roasting you can prepare everything else. In a large frying pan add some neutral flavored oil and heat over medium heat or until it is 350°.

Step 5

Fry the corn tortillas until crispy in batches, which takes about 1 minute per side. Place them on a rack over a sheet tray to drain.

Step 6

In that same oil, fry eggs to your desired amount of doneness. Be sure to season them with salt and pepper.

Step 7

Serve the eggs on top of the crispy tortillas and top off with salsa. Other things to serve it with are warm refried beans, queso fresco cheese, and cilantro.